Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rome, by all means, Rome.

My last post from Siena! I will be spending 2 more nights here before heading to Rome for 3 days. Then back to beautiful, glorious America. I can't post any pictures at the moment, which is a shame because we saw so many rad books in Verona I just want to geek out on them with you. Soon enough, my fair Billy Joel lovers.

We had our final review yesterday and I can proudly say I have completed 10 books in total. Now must find a way to successfully re-pack everything. Tricky. Very tricky.

So. Rome. Kelsey convinced me (some how) to read Angels & Demons, which, though irritating in its "factual" content disclaimers, has gotten me even more exited to visit ye eternal city. This in addition the many years of watching Gregory Peck mime getting his hand bitten off in the Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verita) for Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, I must say I am tickled with excitement. Let us hope I make it through without ancient satanic threats of blowing up the city with stolen antimatter! Save the Vatican, save the world! Bernini was an Illuminati! The Camerlengo is the Pope's son!

Finally, can I just say, though I have thoroughly enjoyed myself on this trip, that I am sick of Tuscany and love love love America.

You have my permission to withdraw, sem.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Small adventures.

Oh, hello. With the insistence of my parents, in this post I have included more "detail about my time here in Siena". Evidently they were less than impressed with all the hard work I put in to taking sneaky photographs of elegant men, but Evs, I'm over it. So here you go.

Went to the beach last weekend and the weekend before last.
(If you happen to be in on this little inside joke...Floorboard Wykowski-Semet had a waterbirth and pregnancy is the longest thing ever).
Naomi, Tiff, & Cheryse at Castiglione de la Pescaia! Mediterranean Sea!
I'm gettin' tan.

The Gallery Continua in San Gimignano. Beautiful contemporary gallery.
Tipsy? Maybe a little bit.

More dreamlike at Gallery Continua.

Well at the center of San Gimignano. Are you there, Mr. Wind-Up Bird?

San Gimignano and its 11 medieval sky scrapers.

The group traveled to Florence the weekend before last.
Kitten asleep on the Piazza del Michaelangelo in Florence.

Odd combination of Michaelangelo's David and Robert Mapplethorpe's form photographs. Separately, awesome. Together...ur doin it sort of wrong.

Tiff, Cheryse, Kelsey, & Dana having lunch in Florence.

Me. Eating a banana outside the Uffizi. No stress when you're eating a banana.
You can quote me on that one.

Jodie. Roommate. Hawaiian.
At the Irish Pub with internet & cappuccinos.


Uncomfortable sitting area.

Kitchen. Eh, you love the talking stove!

Megan & our street in a downpour.

The Palio procession!

Nicchio contrada (the epic Shell disctrict) pre-gaming festivities.

View from the tip top of the Duomo.
Moments before lightening.

Tiff, Naomi, and Veronica during the, ahem, lengthy walking tour of Siena.

I guess that's all for now. Heading to Verona for 3 days tomorrow, so more events to detail.

Love & gnocchi, sem.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Gentlemen of Siena

Hello again from Siena! As a self-proclaimed addict of The Sartorialist, I took it upon myself to observe the collective Sienese sense of fashion. Here is what I have discovered:

The Italian Youth usually toe the line between Classy & Trashy.
(and by 'toe the line', I mean skip across it without bras
and extremely tight pants).
What is working (and I mean WORKIN' IT), in true Sartorialist tradition, are the older, European gentle in summertime suits and complementary colors. Observe with me, won't you?

Yellow pants! Also note the classic leather briefcase.

Lime green pants!

Classy couples.

Jeans with suspenders.

This guy my favie. Look at how he's holding his arms!

Monochromatic cats.

Red pants!

Baby pink & suspenders!

Well done, men.
Arrivederci, maddie.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ciao Ciao!

So I finally have internet AND a picture uploading thing.

With nothing much more to say, except that my gelato count is infinite (v.v.g.), this has been my trip so far in pictures.

Next up: Sienese sartorial pleasures.