Saturday, August 22, 2009


So here's a little treat for all you Roman Holiday fans. I was wandering around the area by the Spanish Steps looking for that magical mid-priced in a designer neighborhood store Zara, when I stumbled upon...Via Margutta 51.

Yes. Das est where Joe Bradley lived.
Is...this the elevator?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eternal City

Hello again, now that I've officially resettled into the plush life I live here in America, here are some last pictures from Siena and a glimpse at Rome.

Freshly liberated from the rigor of book making, we take to the Red Baron. Crack a bottle.

And dance like sluts, if I may say so.

Get that.

Nougat says arrivederci to the Campo by firing off a few bouncy balls.

Welcome to Roma!
Piazza della Repubblica.


Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II.

St. Peter's Square.

Piazza del Popolo.

Don't judge me. (Vittoria Vetra, anyone?)

Piazza di Spagna.

View from the top of the steps.

Fontana di Trevi.

Campo de Fiori.

St. Peter's Basilica.


Demon's Hole!

Raphael's tomb.

The last gelato, signori. Champagne for lunch.
love, sem-in-nation.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Where we lay our scene.

Buongiorno tutti, or something. I'm home!

Having spent a week back in Portland selling plaid uniforms to the Catholic youth, allow me to reflect upon all those loverly type faces of Verona & Santa Lucia.

Our studio in Siena.

Alessandro Vanella's studio in Santa Lucia.


Type case.

Oh, the glorious organization.

Alessandro's press logo. (Sorry for the upside-down).


Type face designed by Alessandro.

Proof copy.

Accordian book.


Un Coup de Des. A Roll of the Dice.

Will and Testament by Anthony Burgess.

Solar book.

James Joyce.

Portrait of James Joyce.

One of the oldest libraries in Verona.

Really old books.

Ch ch check this out. First printed use of Italics. Italics, guys.

Tiff is quel impressed.


Bring on the Futurism.

One sick read.

More James Joyce.

I hope you've enjoyed this beauty. I sure did.
Peace, sem.