Friday, July 17, 2009

Gentlemen of Siena

Hello again from Siena! As a self-proclaimed addict of The Sartorialist, I took it upon myself to observe the collective Sienese sense of fashion. Here is what I have discovered:

The Italian Youth usually toe the line between Classy & Trashy.
(and by 'toe the line', I mean skip across it without bras
and extremely tight pants).
What is working (and I mean WORKIN' IT), in true Sartorialist tradition, are the older, European gentle in summertime suits and complementary colors. Observe with me, won't you?

Yellow pants! Also note the classic leather briefcase.

Lime green pants!

Classy couples.

Jeans with suspenders.

This guy my favie. Look at how he's holding his arms!

Monochromatic cats.

Red pants!

Baby pink & suspenders!

Well done, men.
Arrivederci, maddie.

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